Michigan State is home to numerous national and state parks and lakes that attract a variety of birds throughout the year. Birds frequent these parks, lakes, and beaches during their seasonal migrations, but many birds make Michigan their permanent home.
You’ll see all the birds that winter in Michigan or even migrate from Canada as the snow falls and the temperature drops. Your winter bird feeders and feeding stations will provide a welcome respite from the bitter Michigan winters.
Michigan is home to a variety of bird species due to its hills, thickly forested Porcupine Mountains, and inland wetlands. Michigan is projected to have around 450 different bird species that can be found throughout the state. In Michigan, these bird species are classified into three distinct groups. Birds belonging to the first group are visible throughout the year, while those belonging to the second group are only visible during the winter, and those belonging to the third group are only visible during the summer months.
Michigan birds of prey
H2: Michigan birds of prey When we see a Raptor in Michigan, it is frequently a silhouette of the bird flying overhead or soaring. Occasionally, we are fortunate enough to get a near enough look at the bird to examine its colors and distinctive markings. As a result, we created an updated silhouette identification sheet for the Michigan Raptors.
Birds of prey are birds that hunt mostly on flight, relying on their acute senses, particularly vision. They are defined as any bird that uses its talons to kill its prey. Their talons and beaks are often quite huge and powerful, as well as designed for tearing and/or penetrating flesh. Females are typically significantly larger than males.
Eagles in Michigan
According to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, bald eagles were “nowhere numerous” in the state in the early 1900s. Eagle populations were falling across North America as a result of European colonization. Their environment was gradually but steadily degraded, and because eagles fed on fish and small mammals, humans viewed them as food competitors.
There are just two eagle species found in North America: golden eagles and bald eagles. Golden eagles are found primarily in the western part of the continent, while bald eagles are found throughout the continent, including Michigan. Bald eagles, chosen as the United States’ national symbol, symbolize strength, courage, and liberty. They were on the verge of extinction due to free enterprise.
Identify these birds by reading the article below.
Owls in Michigan
Michigan is home to a diverse range of animals and is sandwiched between two Great Lakes, Lake Michigan and Lake Erie. Michigan is an excellent state for bird watching and wildlife observation in general, owing in part to its fantastic location between the lakes. This article will discuss the several varieties of owls found in Michigan, where you might be able to spot them, and some information about each species.
This section will discuss the several types of owls found in Michigan, their calls, and the regions where they are most likely to be seen.
Let us proceed!
Common backyard birds of Michigan
While heading outside to go birding is an excellent summer activity, never underestimate the delight that a bird outside your window can bring in the winter. You might even realize that your new favorite winter hobby is watching birds swarm to your feeder and eat seeds through the window while cozying up with a hot chocolate. The following are some additional common backyard birds that you may enjoy viewing.

Spinus Tristis – American Goldfinch

Spinus Pinus – Pine Siskin

Acanthis Flammea – Common Redpoll

Haemorhous Purpureus – Purple Finch

Haemorhous Mexicanus – House Finch

Pinicola Enucleator – Pine Grosbeak

Coccothraustes Vespertinus – Evening Grosbeak

Spizelloides Arborea – American Tree Sparrow

Passerculus Sandwichensis – Savannah Sparrow

Chondestes Grammacus – Lark Sparrow

Zonotrichia Leucophrys – White-Crowned Sparrow

Spizella Passerine – Chipping Sparrow

Junco Hyemalis – Dark-Eyed Junco

Pooecetes Gramineus – Vesper Sparrow

Melospiza Melodia – Song Sparrow

Spiza americana – Dickcissel

Passerina Cyanea – Indigo Bunting

Passerina Versicolor – Varied Bunting

Passerina Amoena – Lazuli Bunting

Pheucticus Ludovicianus – Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Cardinalis Cardinalis – Northern Cardinal

Piranga Olivacea – Scarlet Tanager
Woodpeckers in Michigan
While birdwatching in the woods and forest is the greatest way to observe woodpeckers in Michigan, several species, such as Downy Woodpeckers, Hairy Woodpeckers, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, and Northern Flickers, can be seen at backyard feeders on a regular basis.
The Pileated Woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in Michigan, while the Downy Woodpecker is the smallest.
Certain woodpeckers, such as the Northern Flicker, Yellow-bellied sapsucker, and Red-headed Woodpecker, breed in Michigan and then migrate south for the winter.
Best Birdwatching Spots in Michigan
Michigan is no wimp in terms of size: it is the second-largest eastern state in terms of geographical area and boasts over 3,000 miles of Great Lakes coastline. Michigan is also the tenth-most populous state, but fortunately for birds, the state’s dense metropolitan areas are concentrated in the far south.
Many of Michigan’s most prolific birding locations are along the Great Lakes coast, and some are located inside the Detroit metropolitan area. These areas are excellent for observing water birds such as ducks and gulls, but they also attract migration birds in the spring and fall.
The following are the top five birding locations in Michigan.
- Whitefish Point Bird Observatory
- Seney National Wildlife Refuge
- Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
- Huron- Manistee National Forest
- Nayonguing Point State Wildlife Area
Other Michigan birds
Today, Michigan is home to numerous species of wild birds; in this article, we’ll look at some of the state’s more identifiable and other well-known birds.