Troglodytes Hiemalis – Winter Wren

Troglodytes Hiemalis - Winter Wren in the United States

Troglodytes hiemalis is a small North American wren of the Troglodytidae family. It was once known as the winter wren, along with Troglodytes Pacificus and Troglodytes Troglodytes. Breeds in coniferous forests from BC to the Atlantic. It winters in southeastern Canada, the eastern half of the US, and (rarely) northern Mexico. Small numbers may be casual in the west.

Quick Overview: Troglodytes Hiemalis – Winter Wren
Body size: Around 4 in (10 cm) and a weight of 9g (0.3 oz)
Main colors: Brown
Range: Eastern and Western North America
Migratory Bird: Yes
Best time of the year to see in the U.S.: January, February, December
Conservation Status: Least Concern

Winter wren Description

Winter wrens are small brown birds with dark wings, tails, and ventral barring. Their eyes are light, and their throats are lighter than the rest of their bodies. It is the darkest in adolescence. They have a short tail and a narrow bill.

Troglodytes Hiemalis - Winter Wren in the United States
Troglodytes Hiemalis – Winter Wren in New York, USA. Source: Wikipedia


These birds have a length of 4 in (10 cm) and a weight of 9g (0.3 oz). Their wings could range 6 in (15 cm).


Winter wrens are insectivores, meaning they eat invertebrates. They forage on the ground. They eat insects and their larvae, as well as millipedes and spiders. They may prey on aquatic invertebrates in riparian areas.


Winter wrens inhabit a variety of habitats. This species thrives in deciduous forests but is also found in spruce and pine forests, towns, and villages


These birds are sedentary or migratory. People migrate short distances. Winter wrens migrate from October to March. Winter and autumn are prime times for males to invade and usurp each other’s territory.

Troglodytes hiemalis Scientific Classification

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Subphylum: Chelicerata
  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Passerformes
  • Family: Troglodytidae
  • Genus: Troglodytes
  • Species: Troglodytes hiemalis

Best time of the year to see

The best time to see these birds in the United States is during the winter season (December to February).

Distribution of the Winter wren in the USA

Its range is roughly 5,430,000 square kilometers, with 36,000,000 individuals. This includes much of Europe, Asia, and North America. This range includes a large part of Turkmenistan. They inhabit eastern and western North America, as well as Eurasia.

The Winter wren can be found in the following states in the United States – Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Troglodytes Hiemalis – Winter Wren

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