Anatidae – Ducks, Geese & Swans

Oxyura Jamaicensis – Ruddy Duck

The ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) is a North American bird that is a member of the stiff-tailed duck family. The genus name derives from the Ancient Greek oxus, which means “sharp,” and oura, which means “tail,” while jamaicensis means “from Jamaica.” Quick Overview: Oxyura Jamaicensis – Ruddy DuckBody size: Around 14-16 in (36-41 cm) and […]

Mergus Serrator – Red-Breasted Merganser

Mergus serrator, the red-breasted merganser, is a diving duck and a member of the sawbill family. The genus name is derived from a Latin term used by Pliny and other Roman authors to refer to an unknown waterbird, and serrator is derived from the Latin word serra, “saw.” Quick Overview: Mergus Serrator – Red-Breasted MerganserBody […]

Mergus Merganser – Common Merganser

Common merganser, Mergus merganser or goosander (Eurasian) is a giant seaduck found in rivers and lakes throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. The common merganser is mostly a fish eater. It nests in tree holes. Quick Overview: Mergus Merganser – Common MerganserBody size: Around 22-27 in (56-69 cm) and a weight of 1723 g (60.8 […]

Lophodytes Cucullatus – Hooded Merganser

Merganser species hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus). It is the genus Lophodytes’s sole extant species. The genus name stems from the Greek words lophos, which means ‘crest,’ and dutes, which means ‘diver.’ The bird is visually remarkable; both sexes have crests that can be raised or lowered, and the male’s breeding plumage is attractively patterned and […]

Bucephala Islandica – Barrow’s Goldeneye

The Barrow’s goldeneye (Bucephala islandica) is a medium-sized sea duck belonging to the genus Bucephala, also known as the goldeneyes. Sir John Barrow was the inspiration for the naming of this bird. The genus name is derived from the Ancient Greek boukephalos, “bullheaded,” from the Greek bous, “bull,” and kephale, “head,” alluding to the bufflehead’s […]

Bucephala Clangula – Common Goldeneye

The common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) is a medium-sized sea duck belonging to the genus Bucephala, the goldeneyes. It is most closely related to the Barrow’s goldeneye. The genus name comes from the Ancient Greek boukephalos (“bullheaded,” from bous, “bull,” and kephale, “head”), which refers to the bufflehead’s bulbous head shape. Quick Overview: Bucephala Clangula – […]

Bucephala Albeola – Bufflehead

The bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) is a small sea duck belonging to the goldeneyes genus Bucephala. Carl Linnaeus first described this species as Anas albeola in his seminal 1758 tenth edition of Systema Naturae. The genus name is derived from the ancient Greek boukephalos, meaning “bullheaded,” from bous, “bull,” and kephale, “head,” referring to the species’ […]

Melanitta Americana – Black Scoter

The black scoter, sometimes known as the American scoter, is a large sea duck (Melanitta americana). The genus name is derived from the Ancient Greek melas, which means “black,” and netta, which means “duck.” The genus name is derived from the Latin word for “American.” It shares the subgenus Oidemia with the common scoter M. […]

Melanitta Deglandi – White-Winged Scoter

The white-winged scoter is a huge sea duck (Melanitta deglandi). The genus name is derived from the Ancient Greek melas, which means “black,” and netta, which means “duck.” The species is named after Côme Damien Degland, a French naturalist. Quick Overview: Melanitta Deglandi – White-Winged ScoterBody size: Around 19-24 in (48-61 cm) and a weight […]

Aythya Affinis – Lesser Scaup

The lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) is a tiny diving duck native to North America that winters in Central America. Due to its unusual blue bill, it is often referred to as the small bluebill or broadbill. The term scaup may originate from the bird’s predilection for the scalp—the Scottish word for clams, oysters, and mussels; […]

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