
Corvus Corax- Common Raven

The common raven, Corvus corax, commonly referred to as the western raven or northern raven when discussing raven subspecies, is a big all-black passerine bird. It is the most extensively dispersed corvid species, occurring throughout the Northern Hemisphere. At least eight subspecies exist, each with a distinct look, however, a recent study has revealed substantial […]

Corvus Brachyrhynchos- American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos or commonly known as the American Crow is a big passerine bird species belonging to the Corvidae family. It is a widespread bird found in most of North America. American crows are the New World’s equivalent of the carrion and hooded crows. Although the American crow and the hooded crow are quite similar […]

Pica Hudsonia – Black-billed Magpie

The black-billed magpi, Pica hudsonia alternatively known as the American magpie, is a Corvidae bird that is found in western North America. It is one of only four songbirds in North America with a tail that is at least half the length of the rest of the body. Quick Overview: Pica Hudsonia – Black-billed MagpieBody […]

Nucifraga Columbiana – Clark’s Nutcracker

Clark’s nutcracker, Nucifraga columbiana, sometimes known as Clark’s crow or woodpecker crow, is a passerine bird in the Corvidae family endemic to western North America’s Rockies. The nutcracker is an omnivore, but subsists mostly on pine nuts, which it burys in the summer and then retrieves by memory in the winter. Quick Overview: Nucifraga Columbiana […]

Aphelocoma Woodhouseii – Woodhouse’s scrub-Jay

The Woodhouse’s scrub jay, Aphelocoma woodhouseii is a scrub jay species found in western North America. Until recently, Woodhouse’s scrub-jay and California scrub jay were assumed to be the same species and were together referred to as the western scrub jay. Previously, both were regarded to be the same species as the island scrub-jay and […]

Aphelocoma Californica – California Scrub-Jay

Aphelocoma californica or commonly known as the California scrub- jay is a scrub jay species found in western North America. It spans southern British Columbia, California, and western Nevada, around Reno, to the Sierra Nevada west of the Sierra Nevada. Historically, the California scrub jay was combined with the Woodhouse’s scrub-jay and dubbed the western […]

Cyanocitta Cristata – Blue Jay

The blue jay, Cyanocitta cristata is a passerine bird of the Corvidae family that is indigenous to eastern North America. It is found across the eastern and central United States; certain populations in the east may be migratory. The term “jay” refers to the bird’s boisterous, garrulous personality and has been applied to other members […]

Cyanocitta Stelleri – Steller’s Jay

Western North American and Central American highlands have the Steller’s Jay, Cyanocitta stelleri in Latin. It’s a relative of the eastern blue jay. It is also known as the long-crested jay, mountain jay, or pine jay. It is the only crested jay west of the Rockies. It is sometimes called a “blue jay” in the […]

Gymnorhinus Cyanocephalus – Pinyon Jay

The pinyon jay, Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus is a medium-sized jay that is similar in size to the North American blue jay and the Eurasian jay. The voice is described as a two- or three-times repeated rhythmic krawk-kraw-krawk. Gymnorhinus is the genus’s sole representative. Its overall dimensions are quite similar to those of a nutcracker, and this […]

Perisoreus Canadensis – Canada Jay

The Canada jay, Perisoreus canadensis is a passerine bird of the Corvidae family. Canada jays live year-round in coniferous woods, relying on food stored around their range throughout the summer. The birds establish monogamous mating couples, each with a third young from the previous season. Quick Overview: Perisoreus Canadensis – Canada JayBody size: Around 11.5 […]

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