Passerellidae – New World Sparrows

Pooecetes Gramineus – Vesper Sparrow

Known as the vesper sparrow with Latin name Pooecetes gramineus is a medium-sized New World sparrow that can be found throughout the world. Pooecetes is a genus that contains only one species and belongs to the family of Passerellidae. The Vesper Sparrow is thought to be the most closely related sparrow to the Lark sparrow […]

Amphispiza Bilineata – Black-Throated Sparrow

It is a small New World sparrow commonly called a Black-throated sparrow with the Latin name Amphispiza bilineata, that can be found in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. In fact, it is the only member of the genus Amphispiza, in the family of Passerellidae; the five-striped sparrow, which was previously considered to be […]

Melospiza Melodia – Song Sparrow

Melospiza melodia, commonly known as the Song sparrow, is a medium-sized New World sparrow that can be found throughout the world. It is a member of the Passerellidae family. It is without a doubt one of the most abundant, variable, and adaptable species of sparrows found in North America’s natural habitat. Quick Overview: Melospiza Melodia […]

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